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Cammy Mackenzie



Mobile Phone Number: 07838912361

About Cammy

I am Cammy MacKenzie the present Minister of Tron Kirk from May 2010. I came to Edinburgh from Haddington, Morham and Garvald Churches with my wife Dilma and two sons Pedro and Lucas where we had lived for 13 years.


I have the privilege of serving the two communities of Moredun and Gilmerton and I absolutely love being a minister in such a busy and varied parish. I have always believed that the Church should be as far as possible at the heart of a community but of course in modern Scotland that is not as possible as it once was as there are rightly, a large number of groups and organisations seeking to call our attention and loyalty. Where the Church differs from most though is that we seek to introduce our community to the Lord Jesus Christ through interesting and welcoming community activities and public worship.  We are seeking to become better disciples or followers of Jesus and indeed to help others find in Him their Hope and Peace too.

Liz Crocker



Mobile Phone Number: 07951711802

About Liz

Just a few sentences about myself and the work l do at the Tron Kirk in Gilmerton and Moredun.  First of all l am married (32 years) to Allan and we have two grown up daughters.
Secondly l have worked as a Deacon with the Church of Scotland since 1984 in various church’s in Edinburgh, this position is both paid and full time.

The role of a Deacon is to respond to the needs of the church and to the needs of the community in which she finds herself working in.  So in every church that l have worked for l have preached,, visited people in hospital, prison, care homes, in their own home and in sheltered accommodations. Sometimes l am asked to support people going to a children’s panel or PIP assessment as well as writing job references. At other times l may take folk to the doctors or for a hospital appointment.

What differs with my work at the Tron is, l am part of a bigger team and have developed support work with people on a 1-1 basis who have complex and long term needs.
I also run the Brownies and set up the Rainbow unit at the request of the Kirk session.  I hope this gives you some insight into the work l do which is always changing and often challenging.


Janet McKenzie

Ordained Local Minster


Mobile Phone Number: 07980884653

About Janet

Janet is the newbie to the team. Janet was ‘set apart’ as they say, as a Reader in 2011. As part of her training for Readership, she had been at the Tron Kirk and made many friends who are still here! After feeling a strong call to Ministry of Word and Sacrament, Janet undertook further study and placements to allow her to be an Ordained Local Minister. When the time came to seek somewhere to serve as an OLM, Janet was called to the Tron and was ordained in November 2016.


Janet’s focus is on the community, as she manages the Food Bank on Fridays, the drop-in at the Goodtrees on Tuesdays and the Community Lunch on Wednesdays.


On Monday evenings, Janet leads the Bible Study and is an enthusiastic member of the Community Choir, run in conjunction with Bethany Christian Trust.


Tron Kirk (Gilmerton and Moredun), Edinburgh, Church of Scotland, SC009274

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